by an unknown AIRCRAFT

4th AUGUST 2013

I was sitting as usually in the hot summer evenings on my armchair on the balcoon of my flat which is oriented toward north-east. The apartmnet where I live is situated at the begining of the cross road towards the ancient part of Caserta, South of Italy, that is called now Caserta Vecchia, and some centuries ago Casa HIRTA.

From the balcoon I could see at a distance about 100 m the football fields, where normally every evening, sometimes up to two o’clock in the morning, two or more football teams front each other with cruent sport battles.

But NOT that evening of 4 August. For sone reasons the football fields where desert that night.

It appears to my eyes in the quadrant right-top of the sky, immediately crossing the horizon where normally the aircraft that land at Capodichino-Napoli Airport, valicate the mountain that my house has at the north side (including the Tifata’s mountains where CASA HIRTA, the elder Caserta, was built in the CCCM century. It was a circular brilliant vividly object with a central yellow light and a crown of light green smallest lights all around the central part of the aircraft. It appears from behind the Tifata mountains, seems to hesitate a while, thereafter pointed towards the football fields with very high velocity, without emitting any sound.

The disk moved on an horizontal (parallel to the ground) trajectory at a very high velocity, and thereafter performed what can NOT be done by any earth military vehicle: a sudden STOP in the sky, that appeared to me as if some giant would have appointed the aircraft by a huge hammer and a nail into the dark sky.

It was the 4th Agust 2013 time about 23h04. I tried to run to the other rom to take the magnifier or a camera, but the few seconds I employed to reach the balcoon back again were been sufficient fot the quick unknown aircraft to disappear towards nord-west behind the hill of Castel Morrone, that is another village near to Caserta Vecchia on the top of Tifata’s mountains.

I waited some minutes more: after that the unknown aircraft, lifted up againg from some flat land between the hills for about 5-8 seconds and thereafter it escaped definitively away towards the Matese mountains.

I would precise that I have been never was interested in the origins of these phenomena, but for onetime I would very much apprecciate if somebody could explain to me what was the interpretation of the images I have seen with my eyes that evening of 4th August 2013.  

Faut-il appeler les extraterrestres à se manifester?
Bien sûr il faut les solliciter, les appeler, les contacter et nouer des relations pacifiques, constructives. Nous avons besoin d'eux pour résoudre nombre de problèmes planétaires mais aussi individuels. La peur génère des comportement agressifs et il ne faut surtout pas avoir peur de l'étrange. Tout réside dans l'approche que l'on a du sujet et la vocation de ce site est de nous familiariser à ce sujet,  entrevoir le potentiel que nous avons à collaborer avec autrui.